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School: Umunum News Room • Quest 01: Inside the News Room • Task 02: Submit your news article
updated 9/26/2000 12:50:00 PM by iNet News Manager
Report: CPRT-U MINUTES, 9/25/00

I. Meeting called to order at 7:15 because room had been changed from 411 to 429-c, so we waited for stragglers. hearing from
none, we began. Present Allen De Grange and Dave and Dorsa

II. Communications
A. Dennis manning reports that Cincinnati is beginning a
feasibility study at $350,000 approximately.
B. Jeral Poskey met with planners for the Automated People
Mover conference to be held in July, 2001 in SF. They are
pleased with the speakers so far.
The San Jose Airport plans are up in the air. Nothing good.
C. Ed Anderson reports that Taxi2000 is writing a serious business plan to be presented to venture capitalists from Hong Kong, and he is optimistic.

III. Minutes of July meeting were read and approved.

IV. Treasurer’s report - We have $128 and searching for a bank big
enough to handle it.

V. Old business - discussed the neighborhood meetings being held
by Santa Cruz to plan for future transit. They offer a chance
to introduce PRT to people who have not heard of it.

VI. New Business
A. Election of officers (carried over from August meeting as
you will remember)
President - Dave Walworth, Vice President - David Rigler,
Secretary - Allen De Grange, Treasurer - Dorsa Walworth,
Membership Chairman - Claudia Shafer
B. At Carl Wilson’s suggestion we will have a meeting to introduce Scott Bugenthal to PRT. He is getting negative
vibes of unknown source, and should he be elected, we would
like him to be a supporter (he is Green and Nader is pro).
C. The plans of Soltrain to establish eco-Villages from Davenport to Seaside were considered; we should look at them
in more detail.
D. Dorsa suggested that Monthly Meetings may be inappropriate
unless something important is happening. This suggestion
can be handled after further deliberation (which means we

VII. Adjourned until 7:00 PM, October 23, 2000.

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