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School: Africa / US Energy Ministerial Conference & Women in Energy • Quest 2: Women in Energy • Task 1: Reporting on Women in Energy Conference
updated 12/12/2000 7:37:00 AM by prudence m.
Report: Africa and Energy: Prudence
There exists so many challenges and opportunities in the African energy sector. Of these, the wide disparity in energy access betweem rural and urban areas, and between rich and poor. Women more than any other sex, are affected disproportionally by this gap. This impact is felt in agriculture, nutrition and health, small-scale enterprises, all areas in which women bear a major responsibility.

Example Country: SENEGAL

=geographically situated extreme western part of Africa
at surface of 196, 722 kms
=Climate: semi-arid, tropical sudan
=Rainfall has declined over last three decades.
=Soil fertility is poor.
=Population is 9-10 million with an annual growth of 2,9%
=Spatial distribution, 65% concetrated, 4% national territory.
=1990-1993 characterised by poor macro-economic performance with G.D.P of 2,9% in 1993.

Senegal exercises traditional energy fuels; woodfuel and charcoal; account for 53%, petroleum fuel 34%, electricity 12 % and animal residue, 1%
=The total charcoal consumption of Senegal is approximately 330 000 with 76% consumption in urban areas.
=Senegal is very prone to drought
-continued deforestation caused by wood cutting and charcoal production.

In Senegal, the Liquified Petroleum Programme has been implemented to bring about:
= Protection of natural forest resources
= Management of wood fuel collection
- Fuel substitution

In 1974, Senegalese government initiated a policy to launch consumption of brutane gas.
AIM: To replace 50% of charcoal consumption in key urban areas.

What other action has the Senegalese government taken in order to start the wheels turning to impement natural and environment saving energy methods?
= Designed stoves to cater for needs of Senegalese low-income households
= Introduced gas cookers
= Government set about removing taxes from important energy products.
= Introduced price structure for different income groups
= New price structure encouraged local indudtries.

Isn't it time other countries followed course and implemented some similar projects?

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